Well-being support in school
The role of well-being is to ensure we support our young people’s health, well-being and mental health needs as well as offering a robust well-being curriculum model. Pupils have access to a wide range of support within the school including a well-being breakfast club, focussed curriculum activities, form tutor support, our safe haven provision and a range of external agencies.
The well-being breakfast club (years 7-11) has increased significantly in pupil numbers over the past academic year where pupils have the opportunity to focus on developing positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning and how to celebrate achievements. The well-being breakfast is based on Martin Seligman’s PERMA model which focuses on the fulfilment of happiness. PERMA is a focus by RCT for all primary, secondary and through schools.
Safe haven (years 7-11) has been developed by pupils, for pupils. It was named via pupil voice to create an area where pupils could seek support for LGBTQ+, mental health, emotional well-being, bullying, stress, loneliness and friendship. Pupils can meet with safe haven staff individually or as a group. They have the opportunity to talk, get help, have a forum for discussion and to feel supported. The LGBTQ+ group has been very successful with 19 pupils regularly attending and providing a fantastic support network for one another.
We have a range of well-being provision across the school via form tutor staff as well as staff offering emotional literacy support to pupils that require support. Please find a list of available provision on the safeguarding page.