Transport and movement of vehicles on site
Private vehicles - Parent/Guardian
On Site
The process of traffic management on site is regulated and safeguarded by detailed traffic management plans and instructions which we have previously shared with you through ParentMail and newsletters. Significant resources and plans are in place to safeguard and protect pupils, staff and parents while they are on site.
While the start and end of the day is staggered and especially on wet days the volume of traffic on both sides is increased especially on Gwyn side where we can see in excess of 250 cars arrive and leave the site within the 45 minutes at the end of each day.
It is essential that adults arrive during the drop-off or collection window as stated within correspondence in relation to times of the day. It is essential that this is adhered to else there will be a much larger volume of traffic on site that causes off site difficulties.
From September 2023, the site will be 'static' during break and lunchtimes (10:35-10:55 and 12:35-13:25). Should you need to come onto site during these times, please either park off site and enter through the pedestrian gate on Llewellyn Street side or contact the school to make suitable arrangements.
Off Site
Cars collecting pupils travel through the Gellifaelog estate, this volume of cars is likely to increase when the weather gets poor. We have received a number of complaints in the way in which drivers (our parents) drive through the estate for a variety of reasons and appreciate that the flow of traffic through the estate due to how other cars are parked on each side of the road is not ideal, however in NO CASE SHOULD ANY CAR MOUNT THE PAVEMENT or drive in a way that puts other people or children at risk. We have been advised by the police that driving on or over the pavements could be an offense of ‘driving without due care and attention’. All drivers need to be respectful of the rules of the road and be patient of other drivers and the situation that you find yourself in for the ultimate safety of your children.
We have worked with the local authority and our processes on site are deemed safe and appropriate and I really need to ask for your support with adhering to all drop off/pick up times and safe use of the school site please, in addition to the points made off site. Wherever possible if you are able to walk with your child to school that this is encouraged.
Our local PCSOs will be on the estate at regular periods to monitor the situation and hopefully support you further, this is not a resource that is available on a daily basis. Please drive safety at all times and without exception when dropping and collecting your child from school. I respectfully request your full cooperation and patience with this incredibly important matter.
Please can you ensure that you always:
● Drive carefully and with correct regard for the users of the site and road.
● Drive at a maximum of 5 miles per hour while on site.
● When vacating your vehicle (if the need arises) always wear a face covering and maintain social distancing.
● Drive safety, with a full awareness of pedestrians and other vehicles around you.
● Park to ensure you can DRIVE OUT of your space and NOT REVERSE into the road where pupils and parents may be crossing. If you must reverse, please refrain from doing so until the site has emptied.
● Do not arrive until your dedicated time slot.
● Do not arrive too early to queue at the gates to enter the site, as this will cause problems, which will result in congestion on the public highway.
● Ensure that children who are collected from school are fully supervised while they exit site and while walking home adhering to social distancing and mask wearing where relevant. .
● If your child walks home alone and permission has been given, please ensure they have good ‘road sense’ and use the resources on this website as a guide if you are unsure, reminding them also of Covid safety measures.
Many thanks for your continued support, positivity and cooperation with the matters outlined. If you have any specific queries please do not hesitate to contact your Head of School or my Deputy Headteacher Mr Ryan Evans.
LA Transport
The Local Authority provide school transport to those families living within the eligible school catchment with details being provided on their website here.
If you require any support with regards to school transport, please do not hesitate to contact us.