Teaching and learning vision
Teaching, learning and experiences
Learning is an individual journey for each child and our teachers recognise this both in terms of what pupils learn and at what point but also how they learn it. Our teachers invest time in getting to know pupils as learners so that they can make effective decisions about how to design their learning for them. There is no one set way or one set pathway and we know that there will be aspects of learning that pupils find more and less challenging; our role is to make sure that each pupils makes good progress in a way that is right for them...a way that nurtures their strengths but also supports them to work on areas for development in a safe environment.
What do our teachers do?
In order to secure the very best outcomes for our pupils, teaching, learning and experiences need to be of the highest quality. Our teaching is about making effective decisions to progress all pupils, all of the time. It is defined by the stage of the individual pupil, their targets and the most appropriate next steps towards achieving it. Increasingly our pupils play an active role in their assessment and deciding what the next steps are.
Our staff professional learning is closely aligned to the school improvement plan - this document sets out the things that we need to do as a school to keep improving outcomes and experiences for all pupils. Staff professional learning takes a variety of approaches but, without exception, focuses on pupils at all points and how we can make provision even better for pupils as individuals.
The 9Ps of teaching, learning and experience
Learning is planned using our 9Ps framework. The 9Ps are:
Positive relationships
Pupil needs
In all nine aspects, there are expectations for the teacher and for pupils as learners.