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Independent learning

We call our homework independent learning and it is our expectation that all pupils complete this in line with the deadline. Independent learning tasks support and strengthen the learning that has taken place in class and, on occasions, is essential for helping to understand future learning. For nursery through to year 8, there will be one task per curriculum area per half term. For years 9 to 11, there will be two tasks per curriculum area per half term. Pupils receive positive points for all tasks that they complete. Please could you encourage your child to complete these tasks - sheets are emailed to pupils and mailed to parents at the same time so that you are aware of the expectations for your child. 

The tabs below outline the year group independent learning tasks for 2024/25. The latest independent tasks are for autumn half term 1.

Independent learning tasks - Spring half term 1 2025

Independent learning tasks - Autumn half term 2 2024